Sunrise, Zabriskie Point, Facing East, Death Valley NP DSD0100 About six photographers were set up, facing west, to catch the sunrise on the mountains across the valley. Then I turned around. And this was the sky in the east just before sunrise. Another photographer told me that long ago - when you're taking a photo of a landscape and the light is changing, turn around. It works more often than you think it would.

Open Plains, shifting clouds, Death Valley NP DSD0687

Badwater Basin, Death Valley NP DSD0663 This is the lowest point in North America - 282 feet below sea level. There is no outlet for the water which flows into it (which isn't much), so it evaporates, leaving the salts and the minerals behind.

Death Valley NP DSD0660

Death Valley NP DSD0641

Death Valley NP DSD1523

Death Valley NP DSD0164

Layered Mountains in the Fog, Death Valley NP DSD6672

Sunrise, Zabriskie Point, Facing West, Death Valley NP DSD1544

Sunrise, Early Morning, Death Valley NP DSD1731